Crowdfunded Games We Are Backing
The evolution of Kickstarter, Gamefound, and other crowdfunding sites has been interesting over the past few years, with many wannabe (and existing) publishers seeing the marketing advantages of the crowdfunding platform, while increasingly seeing the importance that brick-n-mortar game stores have in both the initial and long-term viability of a product. Plus, they are understanding that many potential buyers simply don’t want to directly back crowdfunded projects. As such, many tabletop gaming projects now include a method for retailers to back a project.
Due to the volume of projects we are backing, the most accurate list of games we currently are backing, and have backed in the past, is on our Kickstarter profile. Note that while most of the games are being backed for the store, there are some projects that have been backed on an individual basis.
If you would like to reserve one of the games that we have backed, give us a call at 608-831-6631 (Middleton) or 608-318-2642 (Sun Prairie) and a staffer will add you to the list! Note that, especially with older projects, we may no longer have the ability to reserve a copy for you. In-store pickup only (we do not ship). You are also welcome to join our dedicated Facebook group to alert us of a project you feel we may find interesting.
There are several reasons why we decide to not back a project, but the main ones are:
- We don’t think we will be able to sell enough copies. Often we have to bring in a minimum quantity, and if we don’t feel that we can sell that minimum quantity, we will wait for the product to show up in our regular distribution channels (if it ever does).
- The project boasts “waves” of add-ons and stretch goals, shipped at differing times. These tend tend to be “giant boxes of minis with a game attached” projects, and they tend to be logistical nightmares (and often very late in delivering).
- The manufacturer does not offer retailers the crowdfunded version and/or stretch goals. We want to provide you the same stuff as everyone else.
- The manufacturer does not offer realistic retailer terms. If we won’t be able to sell it to you at the same price they offer (factoring in everyone’s shipping costs) and still make a profit, we simply can’t do it. This is also a red flag that the manufacturer has not done their homework.
- Shipping costs. This is often an issue with projects that originate overseas. While ideally we would love to sell an item to you without charging you shipping, more recently we are needing to pass those shipping costs along as well. Because we are buying in bulk, our shipping costs will sometimes result in a lower net price to you. The big advantage is you don’t need to prepay, tying up and risking your own money.
- We simply don’t trust the project. Call it experience, or gut, or a simple “we have a bad feeling about this.”